#08 Kick start your carrier

                                                    Life of Computer Science Student

                                              Is Computer Science Hard? Make Sure you are Ready for it

Hi everyone I hope all are safe !
   Now I m going to share something about life of computer science students. I may seen some of the peoples in their college life are doing more things and accomplish more things in day to day life these peoples are do more hard work and they never waste their time. they will perfectly planned their carrier and work out for that by the 4 or  3 years. So these made them to start their carrier successfully.

But rest of them ? these peoples are not known what they have to do and where to start their journey in the tech life. more and more peoples are searching for the mentors and some students are not interested to do anything they were just make use of the time by playing games or watching TV series these are not work professionally for them it may work for personally but not professionally.
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for that peoples I have made this article shall we move ?

Being a CSE or IT students you peoples must be aware in this tech journey i.e you must known what are happening around the world because everyone having sources nowadays, So make use of it and try to learn and explore something new on everyday.  

Here are some important key points I have like to share to those peoples mock to start their carrier in this tech journey,
  • Concentrate on any one Programming Languages
  • Knowledge in Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Development knowledge
  • Open source contributions
  • Keep updated  Resume 
  • Campus Ambassador Roles
                                                      International Students Worry As A Popular Work Program Is Questioned

1. Concentrate on any one programming Languages

                                               Best Programming Languages to Learn: Choosing the Right One

Everyone have some interest in any programming languages and  some peoples are not having interest in languages but I suggest that every one in CS background should have a knowledge in programming those will make you to placed in a good companies I suggest you don't learn all languages be strong in any one of the languages like python, C, C++, Java etc.

2.Knowledge in Data Structures and Algorithms

                                                 Algorithms and Marketing, What You Need to Know - Annalect

It is important that everyone should have knowledge in Data Structures and Algorithms
commonly known as DSA. It is important that if you want to be a software developer you should learn any language and DSA.

3.Development knowledge

                                                   Web application Development

You should have any one domain knowledge i.e development knowledge some of the developments are,
  • Web development
  • Android development
  • IOS development
  • cloud development etc.
4.Open source contributions

                                                    Making Your First Contribution to Open Source - BigCommerce ...

 Do more open source contribution  for many projects conducted by more companies like Google, Microsoft etc.
Use Github or any platform to do opensource contribution.

5.Keep updated Resume 

                                            5 Best Actually Free Resume Builder Websites | Career Tool Belt

Try to  keep an updated resume use more resume platforms like linkedin, Internshala etc. to update your resume day by day

6. Campus ambassadors roles

                                                   A Student's Guide to Campus Ambassador Programs – Internshala blog

    Doing more ambassadorship and volunteership for any events happened in your college or any other college. Do join in those events and develop your leadership and communication skills this will helps you to place in a better place of your dream company.

So, these are some important things for all computer science students to keep in mind and start your tech journey.
                                                   Why thinking ! Kick start !!!

Thank you !!!

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